Free Lunchtime Concert – September

27 September 2024, 13.00 - 14.00

Join us for a free lunchtime concert on the 27th of September with esteemed musicians from the Royal Academy of Music!



Yuhua Sun, mezzo-soprano

Alexandra van Wyk, piano

Xiaoxuan Zhou, violin

Mikolaj Piszczorowizc, cello


From Huang Zi to Ding Shande to modern works Chinese art songs from Shanghai Conservatory of Music.


Yuhua Sun is currently studying a Master degree at RAM with Glanville Hargreaves and she invited musicians from different cultural backgrounds and different majors to complete this concert together.


Chinese culture has a long history, is extensive and profound. Yuhua hopes that more people can appreciate and get to know about Chinese art songs, feel the charm of Chinese culture, and appreciate the diversity of its music and cultural elements.


Yuhua will be singing Chinese art songs from Shanghai Conservatory of Music. These composers combine European art song creation techniques with China’s own music style and classical poetry and continue to develop uniquely charming and moving Chinese art songs.


Shanghai Conservatory of Music was the first music conservatory built in China and Yuhua’s alma mater and has played an important role in the development history of Chinese art songs. Huang Zi and Ding Shande are examples of these Chinese art songs!



玫瑰三愿 Three Wishes from A Rose


春思曲 Longing for Beloved in Spring

踏雪寻梅 Finding Plum Blossom Along Snowy Path

点绛唇·赋登楼 Reciting a Vernal Poem at Pavilion By Huang Zi(1904-1938)

红豆词Red Bean Song By Liu Xuean(1905-1985)

岁月悠悠 Years Long By Jiang Dingxian(1912-2000)

牧童短笛 (piano solo) Shepherd Boy’s Piccolo By He Luting(1903-1999)

山中 In the Mountain By Chen Tianhe(1911-1955)

爱人送我向日葵 My Lover Gives Me a Flower

玻璃窗 Glass Windows

可爱的一朵玫瑰花 A Lovely Rose

橘颂 Tangerine Ode By Ding Shande(1911-1995)

渔翁调 Fisherman Tune By Xu Ke (modern young composer)

我爱这土地 I Love the Land By Lu Zaiyi(1943-)


Date: 27 September 2024

Start time: 13.00

End time: 14.00

Venue: St Marylebone Parish Church
