
Support our parish church and our community.

Support Our Parish Church

Thank you for considering donating to St Marylebone Parish Church. We are a Grade 1-listed building in the heart of Central London working everyday to change the lives of people around us. Your support helps us to maintain our listed building, assists the health and wellbeing of individuals through our subsidised psychotherapy centre, and helps to deliver a world-class programme of church music.


You can support us by using the donation link below.


If you would prefer to donate via bank transfer instead, our details are:

Account Name: The Ecclesiastical Parish of St Marylebone with Holy Trinity St Marylebone
Bank: Barclays
Sort Code: 20-03-79, Account Number: 50808210
IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2003 7950 8082 10
Reference: Just your surname!

Parish Giving Scheme

The Parish Giving Scheme is a new, free way to help you plan your giving and, if you are a taxpayer, to do so tax efficiently.

Learn more

Gift Aid

Donating through Gift Aid means charities can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give, at no extra cost to you. To donate through Gift Aid, please complete this form.

Gift Aid Form

Leave a Legacy

By leaving us a gift in your Will, you can help to preserve this iconic building and community hub. Find out more below.

Learn more


🌟 Great News. There's a new and easy way to support the work of St Marylebone Parish Church 🌟
Make Every Shop Count for St Marylebone Parish Church in 2025!

We’ve teamed up with easyfundraising, where over 8,000 retailers will donate to our cause whenever you shop. From everyday essentials to big purchases, every shop can raise free donations for St Marylebone Parish Church.

Please click the button below to find out more.


Fundraising Campaigns

Explore our past and present campaigns here, supporting our church and the wider community, by clicking the link below.

Our Campaigns