Organ Recitals

Find details for our upcoming organ recitals below.

St Marylebone Organ Recital Series 2024


1st Sunday of each month, 4.00 pm lasting for 45 minutes.


7th Jan – Mark Williams (Magdalen College Oxford)  AT THE EARLIER TIME OF 3.30pm

4th Feb – Carolyn Craig (Westminster Abbey)

3rd March – Jamie Rogers (Canterbury Cathedral)

7th April – Bertie Baigent (St. Marylebone Parish Church)

5th May – Ed Carew (St. Marylebone Parish Church)

2nd June – James McVinnie (International Concert Organist)


7th July – William Fairbairn (St. Marylebone Parish Church)

Prelude and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 546 — JS Bach
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, BWV 675 — JS Bach
Fantasia in G – William Byrd
Chorale I – César Franck


4th Aug – no recital


Admission to all recitals is free, with a retiring collection.