Going Green
St Marylebone and the Environment
At St Marylebone, we are looking for new ways to show that the gospel is good news for God’s earth and to help the Church of England reach its goal of being carbon zero by 2030.
Eco Church
To further our efforts, we are part of the A Rocha Eco Church scheme and in May 2024 received the Silver Award. We are now working to be even greener by going for Gold. To help us, why not take our 4-minute Eco Survey?

Take the St Marylebone Eco Survey
Climate change is the environmental challenge of this generation, and we need to act positively and thoughtfully, and on every level, to ensure that we leave a healthy planet for our successors. There are things that many of us are already doing, and this survey will help us find out what they are. This is your chance to help St Marylebone achieve a Gold Eco Church award!
Take the Survey
Net Zero
At St Marylebone we want to play our part in helping the Church of England reach net zero by 2030.
In February 2020, General Synod voted to set a target for the whole Church of England of achieving ‘net-zero’ carbon by 2030. A route map for how the Church can achieve this has been drafted to invite conversation and consultation. Your response to this will help shape the actions the Church of England will commit to take this decade.

"Responding to climate change is an essential part of our responsibility to safeguard God’s creation." Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury.
Follow this link for some excellent resources from the Church of England to help all of us play our part in caring for God’s world.