St Marylebone Healing & Counselling Centre
Originally established in 1987 and newly refurbished in 2022 for a post-Covid world, St Marylebone HCC has over twenty years of experience working with the diverse and multicultural population of Greater London and further afield. It is a safe, enclosed area of calm in the crypt of St Marylebone Parish Church offering mental health support to people of all faiths and none. Our aim is to make this service available and accessible to all those in need.

The HCC Bursary
The HCC is run by trained professionals but facilitated and funded by St Marylebone Parish Church. With the average cost of private psychotherapy in Central London at a premium, we identified a need to support those who are 'priced out' of accessing mental health support, especially those who need help quickly as NHS wait times can be lengthy. Therefore, the HCC offers bursary sessions on a ‘pay what you can’ basis.

How you can help
A donation to the HCC bursary fund would allow us to continue to offer low-cost mental health support to those who need it. We would be delighted to accept one-off gifts, regular monthly donations or annual gifts. For more information on donating to the HCC bursary programme or to discuss how best you can support The HCC please contact our Development Manager or find our Donate page.
Contact Ashley