This Month's Music List

Find this month's music list below.


Sunday 2nd                   11am Choral Eucharist – Presentation of Christ

Organ voluntary:           Buxtehude, Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin BuxWV 76

Mass setting:                 Joseph Haydn, Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo ‘Little organ mass’

Gradual:                       Byrd, Senex puerum portabat

Communion:                 Holst, Nunc dimittis

Organ voluntary:           Frescobaldi, Toccata prima


                                    4pm Organ Recital – Florence Rousseau (Rennes Cathedral)


                                    6pm Healing service – Celeste Gattai, cantor

Organ voluntary:           Gibbons, A fancy in C

Kyrie:                          Plainsong, Missa Deus genitor alme

Magnificat:                    Gibbons, Short service

Anthem:                       Pergolesi, Salve regina (iv. Et Jesum benedictum)

Organ voluntary:           J. S. Bach, Trio sonata in E flat major BWV 525 (ii. Adagio)



Sunday 9th                    11am Choral Eucharist – 5th Sunday after Epiphany

Organ voluntary:           Michael Haydn, 50 kleine Orgel Stücke: Präludium secundi toni

Mass setting:                 Michael Haydn, Missa Sancti Gabrielis

Gradual (Junior Choir): John Rutter, Look at the world

Communion:                 Hildegard of Bingen, O eterne Deus

Organ voluntary:           J. S. Bach, Prelude in C major BWV 547i




Sunday 16th                  11am Choral Eucharist – Septuagesima

Organ voluntary:           Reger, Aus us tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir 

Mass setting:                 Gloria, Sanctus & Benedictus: Jonathan Dove, Missa brevis

                                    Agnus: Plainsong, Missa orbis factor

Gradual:                       Philip Radcliffe, God be in my head

Communion:                 James MacMillan, A new song

Organ voluntary:           Philip Moore, Paean



Sunday 23rd                  11am Choral Eucharist – Sexagesima

Organ voluntary:           Buxtehude, Von Gott will ich nicht lassen BuxWV 220

Mass setting:                 Palestrina, Missa aeterna Christi munera

Gradual:                       Phillips, In splendente nube

Communion:                 Howells, Behold, O God our defender

Organ voluntary:           J. S. Bach, Pièce d’orgue (Gravement)