This Month's Music List
Find this month's music list below.
Sunday 5th 11am Choral Eucharist – Epiphany
Organ voluntary: J. S. Bach, Das alte Jahr vergangen ist BWV 641
Mass setting: Grayston Ives, Missa brevis
Gradual: Walton, What cheer?
Communion: Mendelssohn, There shall a star from Jacob come
Organ voluntary: Couperin, Offertoire sur les grands jeux
3.30pm Organ Recital – Hillary Punnett
(Christ Church Cathedral)
6pm Epiphany Carol Service
Organ voluntary: Buxtehude, Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern BuxWV 223
Introit: Cornelius, The Three Kings
Carols: John Rutter, What sweeter music
Bull, Almighty God, which by the leading of a star
Leighton, Lullay, lulla, thou little tiny child
Tallis, Videte miraculum
J.S. Bach, Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern BWV 436
Organ voluntary: J. S. Bach, Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr BWV 676
Sunday 12th 11am Choral Eucharist – Baptism of Christ
Organ voluntary: Duruflé, Prélude sur l’introït de l’Épiphanie
Mass setting: Victoria, Missa simile est regnum caelorum
Gradual: Merulo, Tribus miraculis
Communion: J. S. Bach, O little one sweet
Candle lighting: Bertie Baigent, O nata lux
Organ voluntary: Vierne, Symphony No. 1 in D major (v. Final)
Sunday 19th 11am Choral Eucharist – 2nd Sunday of Epiphany
Organ voluntary: Du Mage, Plein jeu: fugue (Livre d’orgue)
Mass setting: Mozart, Missa brevis in C major K. 258 ‘Spaur-Messe’
Gradual: Stanford, O for a closer walk with God
Communion: Tavener, The Lamb
Organ voluntary: Mulet, Carillon-sortie
Sunday 26th 11am Choral Eucharist – 3rd Sunday of Epiphany
Organ voluntary: Karg-Elert, Wie schön leuchtet uns der Morgenstern Op. 65 No. 64
Mass setting: Lassus, Missa ad imitationem vinum bonum
Gradual: Judith Weir, I love all beauteous things
Communion: Elgar, The Spirit of the Lord
Organ voluntary: J. S. Bach, Fugue in C major BWV 547