Weekday Worship
Every Monday
5pm Evening Prayer
Every Tuesday
9.30am Morning Prayer
5pm Evening Prayer
9.30am Morning Prayer
1.10pm Eucharist with Prayer for Healing
5pm Evening Prayer
Every Friday
9.30am Eucharist
5pm Evening Prayer
The Eucharist on Wednesdays at 1.10pm will be broadcast online through our YouTube Channel for those unable to worship in person. Please subscribe and share.
More information and all timings:
Holy Eucharist
Wednesday at 1.10pm and Friday at 9.30am
Morning Prayer
Monday to Wednesday at 9.30am
Evening Prayer
Monday to Wednesday and Friday at 5pm
Sunday Holy Communion
EVERY SUNDAY in the Parish Church
8.30am Holy Communion (Common Worship (1) contemporary language aimed at children and their families)
11.00am Eucharist with choir
The first Sunday of the month in the Parish Church
6.00pm Evening Worship with Prayers for Healing and Anointing
8.30am on Sundays and 1.10 pm on Wednesdays will be broadcast online through the Parish Church YouTube channel – please join us in worship in person and online.