Wholeness and Healing
‘Jesus said, ‘Heal the sick and say, the Kingdom of God has come near to you’. Luke 10:9
St Marylebone has long been known as a centre of wholeness and healing.
The Revd Christopher Hamel Cook (Rector, 1979 – 1990) had a vision of a place where healing of mind, body and spirit came together. He made that happen, and today the parish church is host to the Marylebone Health Centre (an NHS primary care practice), St Marylebone HCC which offers psychotherapy, psychological assessment and spiritual direction, and regular services with prayer for healing and anointing, along with the ministry of reconciliation, pastoral prayer and support.
‘Health is a dynamic state of well-being of the individual and society, of physical, mental, spiritual, economic, political and social well being – of being in harmony with each other with the material environment and with God’. The World Council of Churches.
Healing was at the centre of Jesus’ ministry on earth and is at the heart of the Church’s calling today. We preach the Gospel and pray for healing in obedience to Christ’s command to his disciples. This ministry reflects Jesus’ concern and love for the whole person, which may manifest in a number of ways:
‘In a recovery from disease
A growing awareness of inner peace and wholeness
The healing of our relationship with a prolonged illness, or an aspect of our life we are unhappy with
The healing of our relationships with one another
A healing that is so unexpected that we want to call it ‘a miracle’
Experiencing our fear of death transformed by God’s love’
Healing addresses the personal and communal so the prayer can be for ourselves, for another in need or for a situation in the world.
For many centuries the Church was at the centre of care for the sick, as witnessed by the Christian foundation of many of our hospitals. The great health reformers Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole were associated with St Marylebone. That heritage continues with our Chaplaincy to local hospitals and clinics, the many people who attend them for treatment, who visit the parish church, light a candle, find space to think, and request prayer and support.
‘If any of you are sick, they should call for the elders of the church, and the elders should pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord’. James 5:14
Healing Services
Every Wednesday 1.10pm downstairs in the Jerusalem Chapel: A short service of Holy Communion with the Laying on of Hands with Prayer for Healing.
The first Sunday of the month 6.00pm in the Parish Church: A service with music lasting 45 minutes. Sung Evening Prayer with the Laying on of Hands with Prayer for Healing and Anointing with Oil.

Get in Touch
All are welcome, of all faiths and none. For more details, please contact 020 7935 7315 or email below.
Image: 'Worship' by Yvette Smith. A member of the in-person and online congregation for our Wholeness and Healing Services.