Art Collection

The Painting of the Holy Family by Benjamin West PRA

This painting was created for St Marylebone’s altar in 1818.


Benjamin West PRA arrived to England from the United States in 1763, and became influential as an artist and as President of the Royal Academy from 1792 to 1805 and 1806 to 1820. The painting was given to the parish church by West himself. What is possibly West’s dedication is written at the bottom right corner of the picture, directly on the painting. It was damaged in a vicious attack with a knife in 1859. The painting has recently been cleaned, conserved and retouched, and is in sound condition.


Benjamin West PRA was an American artist, born in 1738 and died in 1820. He focused on historical, religious and mythological subjects, and had a profound influence on the development of historical painting in Britain. He was historical painter for George III from 1772 to 1801, and a founder of the Royal Academy (1768). He was the second President of the Royal Academy from 1792-1805, following Joshua Reynolds, and again from 1806 to 1820.


In the corner of the painting is West’s dedication, possibly in his own hand. It reads:


Christ’s Nativity

Announced by the Angel of the Lord to Shepherds


And the Angel said unto them, fear

not for behold, I bring you good tidings

of great joy, which shall be to all people

For unto you is born this day

in the city of David, a Saviour, which is

Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a sign unto you,

and they came with haste and found

Mary and Joseph, and the Babe wrapped,

swaddling clothes lying in a manger

Luke Chap’ 2nd


This picture by Benjamin West Esq President

of the Academy of arts in London, and

Historical Painter to His Majesty; is presented by

him as a gratuitous offering to the communion of

the Parish of St Mary le Bone: in which Parish

he had lived as a housekeeper forty-five years,

where he painted this picture in 1818.