Changing Faces of St Marylebone

Joseph, Baron Lister (1827-1912)

Lister, who lived in Harley Street and Park Crescent in Marylebone, invented Listerine, which was originally a surgical antiseptic. But behind this attention-grabbing fact lies Lister’s extraordinary work as a pioneer of antiseptic surgery and preventative medicine.


Lister had always believed that infection came from germs rather than miasma – or bad air – as was the current orthodoxy. The work of Louis Pasteur confirmed this theory. Lister put Pasteur’s theory into practice and found that washing hands, clothes and bedding and wounds with antiseptic solution reduced infection dramatically.


Lister also changed surgical procedures for ever when he advocated practising sterile surgery, ie cleaning instruments, the patient’s skin and the surgeon’s hands with phenol. Lister revolutionised surgery and as a result the health of patients. Let’s raise a glass of mouthwash to him in thanks!